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Recent Press and Publications
The Katie Show
Michael was recently interviewed by Katie Couric regarding his award-winning documentary, Sleeping with Siri.Watch the Interview here.
FORBES Interview with Michael Stusser
Interview with the host of the cannabis show Higher Ground.Read the interview at Forbes.
Alternative Tweets
A Mindfulness Practice in the Age of the Orange Menace.Read the article at
Siri and Alexa Encourage… a Tech Timeout?
New Parody Launched in Advance of National Day of UnpluggingRead the article at The Good Men Project.
F*cking Fifty
Michael contemplates the financial, spiritual, and romantic consequences of getting "Old".Read the article at
“Sleeping With Siri” Film Trailer
Read more about "Sleeping With Siri" here.
Digital Madness
Michael Stusser writes about the effect technology is having on our culture - and our flea-brains - in his “Digital Madness” columnRead it at Good Men Project.
A Tiny Sense Of Accomplishment
Michael joins Sherman Alexi and Jess Walter to discuss technology, poetry…and pornHave a listen:
Yoga by Equinox Parody
Michael’s Yoga Parody has officially gone viral! After a yoga instructor was criticized for creating a sexy and awe-inspiring video. Stusser parodied it to break the ice and remind us that yoga is, indeed, for every body.Tech Timeout Academic Challenge
At a time when evidence is mounting that our over-connected world is making us dumber, sadder, and more anxious, Twisted Scholar announces the release of the Tech Timeout Academic Challenge – Disconnecting from Technology (for a while).Check out Tech Timeout Academic Challenge.
Speak No Evil, Tweet No Evil
If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’tCheck out Speak No Evil, Tweet No Evil.